Agile Principles

Agile software development – or Agile – is a collection of software development values and principles that emphasizes adaptive planning, continuous improvement, evolutionary progress and encourages quick, flexible response to change.

In theory, if you are a product owner, your responsibilities within the agile framework are simple: “maximize the value of the product and the work of the Development Team”. In reality, product owners do more than just that. They bridge the gap between what a customer wants, stakeholder’s interests and the development team’s work on the project. A product owner needs to understand a customer’s needs in the context of the market it is in, as well as the needs of the development team and stakeholders. Applying the 12 principles of Agile to project management brings a team back to basics and helps product owners fulfill their role.

59 Seconds Agile - The Scrum Framework
59 Seconds Agile – The Scrum Framework

Risk Management Metrics – The Risk Burndown Chart

What are Risk Management Metrics and what is the Risk Burndown Chart? Traditional projects have extensive processes designed to mitigate risk. Risk registers, probability calculations and other tools are used by project managers to provide a visual set of metrics used in reporting. Risk is either accepted or mitigated. Risks can quickly blossom into issues

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